Following the purposes of TICCIH-Brasil to promote the dissemination of information and knowledge about industrial heritage, through bi-annual congresses and regional meetings, guided tours, among scientific events (art. XVI), we will present below details about the regional Industrial heritage Meeting in the south and Northeast regions. The Regional Industrial Heritage Meeting (SOUTH region) will take place from 06 to 08 November 2019 at the University of Extreme South Catarinense (UNESC), in Criciúma – Santa Catarina. The edition of the meeting in the South region will be held by the Cultural Heritage Research group: Stories and Memories and the history course, both from UNESC in partnership withRead More →

From 04 to 09 November 2019, the 20TH Congress of the Brazilian Archaeology Society-SAB will take place in the city of Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, promoted, held and organized by SAB and has the partnership of UFPel, through the ICH – Instituto de Ciências um and UCPel – Catholic University of Pelotas. The theme chosen for this edition of the Congress of SAB is “MEMORY, CULTURAL HERITAGE and HUMAN RIGHTS”. It is a comprehensive theme that encompasses various forms of memory, heritage or cultural heritage and human rights in its broader sense. It was conceived from the tragedy of the fire that in SeptemberRead More →

This event, promoted by TICCIH-Brasil and by the Project Memory Railway/UNESP, with support from UNICAMP, will contemplate conferences and presentations about industrial heritage in its different aspects (material, memory, representations, landscape, Document). In the southeast session, the edition will take place on August 30 and 31, 2019 at the Cultural Center for inclusion and Social integration of Unicamp (CIS Guanabara) in Campinas-SP. For more information visit: Site Regional Industrial Heritage Day (southeast region) Read More →

The TICCIH-Brasil and the São Paulo State University Press Foundation began in 2019 an series of publications on industrial heritage (TICCIH series Brazil-New Perspectives), in ebook format, with free download-within the Open Acess implemented by the university. The first volume of this series deals with railway heritage and has recently been made available. The book Memory Railway and culture of work: theoretical balances and methodologies of registration of railway goods in a multidisciplinary persperctiva is available for free download. Organized by Professor Eduardo Romero de Oliveira, the book was published with the support of the São Paulo State Research Foundation, through the Editora Cultura Acadêmica.  This isRead More →

28 – 29 March 2019. UNESP, Bauru, São Paulo (Brasil) Deadline: 22 October 2018 The annual event has been organized by Railway Memory Project (funded by FAPESP since 2007), originally as a researcher seminar to share the scientific results of their team. In 2019, we invite others young investigators to participate and to present their most important results about Brazilian Railway History or Railway Heritage. The aim are welcoming young graduate and undergraduate researchers who investigate the railways, in a multi perspective meeting. Then, we organized the III Young Investigators Meetings 2019 as a opportunity to discussing the scientific results and stimulating research for all postgraduate andRead More →

The VII Seminar of Industrial Landscapes of Andalusia ‘Thinking about industrial heritage. The challenges of the 21st century ‘, organized by the Andalusian Studies Center and The International Committee for Conservation Industrial Heritage-Spain (TICCIH-Spain) on May 17 and 19, 2018 in the Seville town of Villanueva del Río y Minas – in collaboration and the Higher Technical School of Architecture of the University of Seville- was intended to analyze the situation of industrial heritage in Spain with specific attention to the reality of Andalusia, in order to update knowledge, methodologies and proposals. The conclusions of this meeting are specified in the document called Seville CharterRead More →

29-31 May 2019. Museu da Farmácia (Pharmacy Museum), Lisbon (Portugal). Session Proposal Deadline: 30 August, 2018 Paper Proposal Deadline: 15 November, 2018 Under the aegis of the Plastics Heritage European Association (PHEA), the Portuguese Center for the History of Science and Technology (CIUHCT) will host the Plastics Heritage Congress 2019. Plastics Heritage: History, Limits and Possibilities, the congress’ general theme, is the fifth in a series of international Plastics Heritage Conferences and will be held in Lisbon , the capital city of Portugal, at Museu da Farmácia, from 29th to 31st May 2019. This congress aims to address plastics history and heritage by encouraging papersRead More →