29-31 May 2019. Museu da Farmácia (Pharmacy Museum), Lisbon (Portugal). Session Proposal Deadline: 30 August, 2018 Paper Proposal Deadline: 15 November, 2018 Under the aegis of the Plastics Heritage European Association (PHEA), the Portuguese Center for the History of Science and Technology (CIUHCT) will host the Plastics Heritage Congress 2019. Plastics Heritage: History, Limits and Possibilities, the congress’ general theme, is the fifth in a series of international Plastics Heritage Conferences and will be held in Lisbon , the capital city of Portugal, at Museu da Farmácia, from 29th to 31st May 2019. This congress aims to address plastics history and heritage by encouraging papersRead More →

Organized by “Aula Gestión e Intervención sobre el Patrimonio Cultural de la Arquitectura y de la Industria”. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid / Fundación ACS 20-22 March 2019. Deadline submission: November 15, 2018 The main objective is to determine and share the state of the art of the study of the industrial heritage linked to its image and the means of propaganda and dissemination. From the inside of the industry, we can ask, for example, how it was tried to make society known to that image and also, what was the communicative business relationship with the world of work itself. From the outside it will beRead More →

22, 23 3 24 March 2019. Barcelona (Espanha) Organized by: El Generador e B-Travel Fira Barcelona Following the success of the secund edition,  the International fair B-Travel has promoted tourism around the world, and it will be again a great opportunity to promote industrial tourism among all B-travel participants and visitors. B-Industrial will be an excellent event for your organization to connect with the industrial tourism market and to showcase all your products and services.  You will be granted the privilege of being part of a special work day in which you can be part of conferences, round tables and networking opportunities. Moreover, you will showcase yourRead More →

28 – 29 March 2019. UNESP, Bauru, São Paulo (Brasil) Deadline: 22 October 2018 The annual event has been organized by Railway Memory Project (funded by FAPESP since 2007), originally as a researcher seminar to share the scientific results of their team. In 2019, we invite others young investigators to participate and to present their most important results about Brazilian Railway History or Railway Heritage. The aim are welcoming young graduate and undergraduate researchers who investigate the railways, in a multi perspective meeting. Then, we organized the III Young Investigators Meetings 2019 as a opportunity to discussing the scientific results and stimulating research for all postgraduate andRead More →

22-27 July 2019, Katowice (Poland) Deadline for proposals is 15 January 2019 Social theorists from Max Weber to Jürgen Habermas have argued that power relations are among the defining characteristics of every society, along with culture and economic relations. The main theme of this conference, Technology and Power, seeks to interrogate the various roles technologies have played in the development of power relations in the past, in different parts of the world. Political power (local, state, and inter-state) is the most obvious of these, but relations of gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity, class, labour, age, and so on, also include elements of power. Technologies have instrumental,Read More →

29-31 May 2019. Museu da Farmácia (Pharmacy Museum), Lisbon (Portugal). Session Proposal Deadline: 30 August, 2018 Paper Proposal Deadline: 15 November, 2018 Under the aegis of the Plastics Heritage European Association (PHEA), the Portuguese Center for the History of Science and Technology (CIUHCT) will host the Plastics Heritage Congress 2019. Plastics Heritage: History, Limits and Possibilities, the congress’ general theme, is the fifth in a series of international Plastics Heritage Conferences and will be held in Lisbon , the capital city of Portugal, at Museu da Farmácia, from 29th to 31st May 2019. This congress aims to address plastics history and heritage by encouraging papersRead More →

24, 25 and 26 October de 2018. Alcalá de Guadaíra, Andaluzia (Spain) Since its creation, the Industrial Heritage Foundation of Andalusia (FUPIA) has been working to contribute to the protection of Industrial Heritage in an integral manner, as well as in its dissemination among citizens. Among the activities carried out by the Foundation, is the organization of the International Congress of Industrial Heritage and Public Works that, after the first three editions in the format of Jornadas Andaluzas in the years 2010, 2012 and 2014, managed to give a quality jump with the celebration of the I International Congress held in 2016 in the cityRead More →

23 a 24 outubro 2018. FAU/UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro (Brasil) Busca promover o debate conceitual e metodológico aplicado ao estudo da cidade e da paisagem atravessada por linhas férreas. Está orientado para consolidar um intercâmbio científico nacional e, possivelmente internacional, sobre questões ferroviárias e urbanas. Os territórios ferroviários constituem-se por espaços urbanos atravessados ou caracterizados pela presença, imediata ou não, de linhas férreas. Como perceber esse espaço através da sua forma? Convidamos à discussão sobre as possibilidades e os limites da percepção destes espaços, seja através da morfologia dos territórios e das paisagens ou de estudos com perspectivas sensoriais e emocionais sobreRead More →

4 – 6 October 2018, National Science and Technology Museum of Catalonia (mNACTEC) International convention on the question of labor housing and its periodization, diversity, morphology and organization. The convention will go beyond mere fieldwork, incorporating other disciplines including the history of science and technology, sociology, architecture, urban planning and economic and social history. Organised by the National Science and Technology Museum of Catalonia (mNACTEC) with the collaboration of the International Committee for the Conservation and Defence of Industrial Heritage (TICCIH), the Association for the industrial heritage of Champagne-Ardenne Grand Est (APIC) and Associació per la Defensa del Patrimoni de la Colònia Sedó i elRead More →