30/August-Main Auditorium (warehouse)

8.00-Reception and registration



Dr. Eduardo Romero de Oliveira (TICCIH-Brazil; UNESP

Dr. Marcelo F. Rocco (Director of CIS-Guanabara/UNICAMP)



Dr. Paulo Fontes (UFRJ)-"Memoirs of a Rio Fabril": deindustrialization, Work and Nostalgias.

Dr. Daniela Pistorello (USC/SC) and Ms. Tiago da Silva Coelho-Industrial spaces and art

Dr. Manoela Rufinoni (UNIFESP)-conservation policies for industrial urban heritage

Dr. Márcia Pazin (UNESP)-The challenge of preserving sources for the history of Industry and technology: Documentary collections in archives and Documentation centers





13,45/15,45 – Work sessions (to see authors and places of presentations see Conference schedule)

Thematic 1 – The memory of work in industrial spaces

Thematic 2-Industrial spaces and art


Thematic 3-City and industrial landscape

Thematic 4-Documentary collections and industry heritage


01/August – Guanabara Station (warehouse)

8,30/12.00 – Technical visit: Industrial itinerary in the vicinity of the esplanade of Guanabara station.